Launch Campaign BEXUS 30/31 @ ESRANGE, Kiruna, Sweden

Our launch campaign took place on the 24th September to the 4th of October 2021 in ESRANGE, Kiruna, Sweden.

Over the course of 10 days, each team had the opportunity to prepare their experiment to the eventual launch, and we, SARIA, were no exception! The first 2 days were reserved for experiment preparations and making sure everything was running as expected. saria launch campaign

The next days 2 days the interference and flight compatibility tests and flight readiness review took place. saria launch campaign

Following this, the launch window was scheduled for the 5th day of the campaign with a very promising weather forecast. Indeed, our experiment was launch onboard of the BEXUS 31 gondola on the 29th September 2021! saria launch campaign

We can now say that this campaign was a great success! For that we have to thank all the organizers that make this programme and campaign possible: Rymdstyrelsen, German Aerospace Center (DLR), European Space Agency - ESA, REXUS/BEXUS Programme, SSC - Swedish Space Corporation, ZARM Technik AG. With a special thank you to: Armelle Frenea-Schmidt (SSC), Simon and Torsten (ZARM) and Giorgio, Maximilian Nürmberger and Felix (ESA) for participating in this campaign and assisting us with everything!

saria launch campaing

We also want to salute our fellow colleagues and teams with whom we had the pleasure of sharing this campaign and BEXUS cycle 13 with: BAMMsat on BEXUS, ECO-WISE, ELFI, O-ZONE, Stardust, FaNS, MASS and STRATOSPOLCA!

saria launch campaing