Progress Review @ FEUP
This week, on 23rd march 2021, we had our latest Progress Review.
Gonçalo Santos started the meeting by showing the progress in the SAR Processing Software Stack. He is currently optimizing the software for the real-time generation of images. He also showed some images already obtained. The next step will be the integration with the GPS data pipeline for possible image geotagging.
Tiago Martins is currently working on the RF Front-End, developing a new interface with the Inflatable Antenna and the Static Reflector. We are currently doing some simulations so that we can later move on with the design and manufacture of the PCB.
In what comes to the mechanical design updates, Nuno Barros showed some simulations of the consequences of the parachute deployment on the support of the fixed reflector.
Finally, Mafalda Santos showed some simulations on the inflation of the antenna and the resulting gain, using Matlab and Abaqus. We will keep working on the simulations so then we can proceed with manufacturing the scaled model.
When in September 2020 we knew we would have more time than expected, we discussed new ideas that could enrich our experiment. We are very happy with this Progress Review, as we were able to show that we are working on those ideas and making the best out of SARIA experiment!